Stanton Friedman, Rest in Piece.

From Derrel
Below are a compilation of various sources, texts and stories:
Well-Known and Respected UFO Researcher Stanton T. Friedman Dies at 84 and Begins His Light-Years Journey Through The Celestial HEAVENS After Half-Century Effort to Prove Alien Life Has Visited Earth….
The Canadian Press, Tuesday, May 14, 2019 12:21 PM / UPdated: Thursday, May 16, 2019 @ 5:48 a.m.
“FOREVER YOUNG” – Alphaville, March, 3-23-1985
– The Original MTV Video Played to a Collage of Current Affairs Images … FANTASTIC! – [3:25 min]
– Played and Sung to LYRICS! – [3:50 min] [3:25 min] [3:40 min]
“FOR ALL WE KNOW” – Carpenters, February, 2-6-1971 [2:40 min]
FREDERICTON — Stanton Terry Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee
of extraterrestrial existence, has died at the age of 84; Sunday, July 29,1934 — Monday, May 13, 2019
The famed UFO researcher died Monday at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, his daughter
Melissa Friedman confirmed Tuesday. She said he was on his way home to Fredericton from a
speaking engagement in Ohio. She did not disclose the cause of death and asked that the family’s
privacy be respected.
Friedman built a reputation as a leading authority on unidentified flying objects,
alien abductions and the so-called Roswell incident, considered by many to be the definitive UFO
He said his belief in extraterrestrials was based on data about UFO events he found buried in U.S.
government documents over the years.
Friedman grew up in Linden, N.J., and was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by
companies including General Electric, Westinghouse and McDonnell-Douglas.
According to his book, “Flying Saucers and Science,” he first became interested in UFOs in 1958.
He began lecturing on the topic in 1967, but he never actually saw one himself.
”I have never seen a flying saucer, and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons
and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either,” he told The
Canadian Press in 2007.
”In fact, I’ve never seen Tokyo, but I’m convinced it’s there.”
It was in 2007 that the City of Fredericton declared Stanton Friedman Day to honor him.
At the time, he said he owed his personal success to the fact that people have an endless fascination
with space and the unknown. “Can you think of anything that touches more deeply on who we are,
where we stand and the mystery and the coverup?” he asked.
Friedman, who devoted his life to researching and investigating unidentified flying objects, was
credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell incident to the mainstream – according to Time Magazine,
Friedman “painstakingly sought out and interviewed other witnesses, and came to a dramatic
conclusion: there had been a cover-up of ‘Cosmic Watergate’ proportions.”
The Roswell incident was the first case where the U.S. military and the federal
government was thought to have covered up a UFO crash.
Friedman grew up in Linden, New Jersey, and worked as a nuclear physicist for 14 years for
General Electric, Westinghouse, and McDonnell-Douglas.
He became interested in UFOs in 1958 and started lecturing on the topic in 1967.
“The universe works on fusion folks — like it or not,” he said during a lecture in 2018. “That’s what
goes on in all those stars out there and so we’re babes in the woods. It’s not surprising that we
haven’t expanded our thinking . . . I expect that my great-grandson will be alive when we send visitors
to other planets, maybe colonies out there — and maybe we welcome a bi-annual meeting of the
galactic federation global neighborhood association, so to speak.”
Kathleen Marden was a friend of Friedman for more than 30 years and co-authored three books on
UFOs with him.
“When he knew the truth, he told the truth,” she said Tuesday from her home near Orlando, Fla. “He
was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell crash. Stanton was a man who did his homework.
He always criticized the debunkers because they hadn’t done theirs.”
Marden said Friedman spoke at conferences and colleges across Canada and the United States and
in 20 foreign countries. He was also a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
UFO scientist Stanton Terry Friedman is shown in a handout photo. Friedman,
nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee of extraterrestrial existence, has died at the
Personal Tribute: The great loss of a legend. When one becomes synonymous with a particular field,
it is often the result of high achievement and accomplishment in serving that field well. For more than
60 years, my dear friend and highly regarded and esteemed colleague Stan Friedman devoted his
life’s mission to that insurmountable quest for a solution to the enigma of UFOs.
And his war has sadly ended without final resolution. But allow me to focus on the man who never
lost that little-boy fascination with the unknown, who could debate anyone with the confidence that
right would prevail, and could laugh so hard at a joke that he would cry. UFOs aside, Stan and I shared
so many great experiences which had nothing to do with our mutual interests whether we agreed or
disagreed, we always walked away respected friends.
At the ending of the classic movie “The Wizard of OZ,” when the great and powerful OZ finally rewards
the Tin Man with his new heart he reminds him, “A heart is judged not by how much we love, but how
much we are loved by others.”
Stan, the physical heart may fail us, but your heart was bigger than most. Good bye my friend … you are
loved and will truly be missed by us ALL….
Just in case you have not already heard, Stan Friedman
passed away last night. He will be greatly missed by
many. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Karen Jaramillo
Deputy Director
Friends contacted me just now: About an hour ago …
I am greatly saddened…. Stanton will be missed … a lot….
Derrel W Sims