Last week, I had one of those pleasant coincidences that reminds me that there is a natural flow at work. We had just finished up the Sedona TV shoot, and the cast and crew were saying their farewells at the Phoenix Airport. I had the profound feeling that someone was watching me, though looking around I didn’t spot anybody in particular. Later on, I discovered I was most correct.

When I got back home to Houston, I got an email from my old associate and colleague in the Alien Resistance Movement, known as “V2.” As happens in life, people lose touch, and I hadn’t connected with V2 in years. His email asked, “Is it possible that you were in the Phoenix Airport? I saw you, I am sure of it…as I ran to my airplane. I am sure I saw you!”
V2 lives in the north part of the country. I live in Houston. What are the chances of us crossing paths after many years of separation? I told him he was most correct and I had felt distinctly observed.
You may have seen this graphic before. V2 created it. I have passed out tens of thousands of them, from Japan to South America to Europe. V2 has passed out over a million of them himself. I am so proud of him. He never seeks recognition. V2 first sought me out many years ago at a conference, and I am fortunate to be one of the few people who knows him personally. We’ve become the best of friends, and I support him at every level.
Many have borrowed, stolen, or used his imagery…I assure you it is V2’s. So if you see this symbol, you will know its originator. If you see people selling the image, it is not “V2.” V2 will never be seen publicly in connection with it.
He is more private than the Alien and never takes credit for anything. But now you will know, if you see this powerful symbol, to silently thank V2. Many work in the shadows to help the cause, so know that what you “see” is literally the tip of the iceberg.