Sorry for the last-minute notice…but my co-star Maureen Elsberry of Open Minds just alerted me that 2 more episodes of our show “Uncovering Aliens” will air Wednesday night, January 15.

Cast of Uncovering Aliens

This will be on Science Channel, another of Discovery’s networks. (You recall the last episode was on Animal Planet.) Everyone’s time is local and different, but according to the website the shows will air multiple times. Look it up and set that DVR, friends!

We did some good work on these shows, which include a re-run of “Black Ops Conspiracy,” the show we did in Sedona, plus “Abductions and Bright Lights,” and “Alien Harvesting.” I haven’t seen them yet, so am looking forward to viewing how our research is interpreted.

Thanks for tuning in, and you know your comments and feedback means the world to me so keep those proverbial cards and letters coming!

The Alien Hunter
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