I want to thank everyone who tuned in to the “sneak peak” last night of “Uncovering Aliens,” the Animal Planet TV series I worked on this year. And those of you who made a point of setting your DVR–that counts, too! I watched it with my HUFON friends, and can’t tell you how much your enthusiasm and support meant to me. You’re my “family,” so it means the world.

On the set of “Uncovering Aliens” in Sedona, AZ with UFO witness and co-stars Maureen Elsberry, Mike Bara and Steven Jones
On the set of “Uncovering Aliens” in Sedona, AZ with UFO witness and co-stars Maureen Elsberry, Mike Bara and Steven Jones

I read all your comments and emails, so wanted to let you know a few things about that episode that you’ve asked me about:
1. Yes, we did get buzzed by an unmarked black helicopter while we were filming.
2. Yes, I did find a circle of radiation at Bradshaw Ranch. That was not staged!
3. Ditto on the UFOs we saw during our nighttime Skywatch. Folks asked if what we saw may have been satellites, but not the way they moved–being close together and then moving apart. Co-star Mike Bara, who knows about such things, was impressed, to say the least.

The witnesses who came forward, like Wilbur, are very courageous and we were impressed with your sincerity. Also want to take this opportunity to thank the hardworking crew at RawTV. Really, folks, you have no idea how much work goes into putting on a show like this. The Raw team is tops.

We do some more “alien hunting” in future episodes including my favorite part, working with abductees. Don’t have air dates for those yet. Some of you have asked how to help, and if you are so inclined, I’d be most honored if you would send your comments to the network team. Here’s their contact info:

Brian Eley, Vice President, Communications, Ph: 212-548-5153 E: Brian_Eley@discovery.com

Tahli Kouperstein, Senior Director, Communications. Ph: 240-662-2221 E: Tahli_Kouperstein@discovery.com

Karin Failla, Director, Publicity,Ph: 310-975-5904 E: Karin_Failla@discovery.com

Grace Suriel, Director, Social Media Ph: 240-662-5781 E: Grace_Suriel@discovery.com

The Alien Hunter
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